Eagle Legacy Planning is about giving you the education needed to help you thrive in the world you are in today. Like many people out there, they are not taught anything about the monetary system, global wars, and what makes the rich richer and the poor, poorer. Many families fall into the pitfalls and traps that our flawed system is designed to do, and our mission is to give you the education needed that no matter what your scenario is, you will have the capability to move fluidly into the future.
Our Founder, Ryan Forbes, upon learning more into how this system works, not only on a global scale, but locally too, is sharing his education to better the individual who is receptive to furthering their own education to better themselves. In the world we live in, there are no certainties, only probabilities. Ryan’s goal is to get you thinking about things you have not thought about, challenge your own perceptions and educate on the fundamental driving forces in todays economy.